Why Marvel's use of AI art for Secret Invasion's opening titles is causing controversy?

Marvel's use of AI for Secret Invasion's opening titles is causing controversy. Marvel is defending its use of AI art, but many artists are concerned.

Marvel's latest series, "Secret Invasion," premiered on Disney+ and has been met with backlash after it was confirmed that the intro sequence was AI-generated. The opening credits were designed by VFX company Method Studios using artificial intelligence, but it is unclear which AI tool was used. The use of AI art in general is subject to debate and controversy, and it is bad to have a tool that can replace the work of artists.

The controversy

Many artists are worried that AI creations will not only discredit their work but also threaten their livelihoods. Generative AI takes millions of images made by actual people to create a hodgepodge of art that once took someone hours, days, months, or even years to produce. To have a multi-billion-dollar studio use AI tech instead of paying real artists is concerning. Plus, this particular opening sequence will likely be seen by millions of viewers.

Marvel's defense

According to Collider, Marvel is trying to defend their widely criticized use of AI art for Secret Invasion's opening titles. Marvel wasn't sold opening credits by someone who was accidentally using an old AI model because they didn't have access to a newer version. The company has not yet responded to the backlash.

The ethical use of AI art

The use of AI art in Secret Invasion raises the question of what is an ethical way to use current generative AI in a major, public-facing work of art. In the case of Secret Invasion, a show rooted in the idea of alien beings impersonating humans, Method likely pitched AI-generated imagery as a timely visual parallel[5]. What could be better to suggest uncanny imitation and the discomfort it brings?  However, the use of AI art in this context is still controversial and raises questions about the future of art and the role of AI in it.

The use of AI art in Secret Invasion's opening titles has sparked controversy and raised questions about the future of art and the role of AI in it. While Marvel has defended its use of AI art, many artists are concerned about the impact it could have on their livelihoods. The ethical use of AI art in major, public-facing works of art remains an unanswered question.

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